Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week Five

Greetings everyone.

I did the quiz yesterday, I really thought I was well prepared for it. Honestly I felt like it was the hardest one I have written so far this semester. The readings really had me thinking about my life, the crime rate and the AIDS pandemic in South Africa. I related to the article by Justice Malala more because crime has effected my life directly a couple of times too. Ive lost family members and loved ones to crime. This past Sunday, some men broke into my 76 year old Grans house and held her at gun point.

When my group and I chose to do our news on China I did not know much about the great firewall. After spending this past week researching I have come to appreciate South Africa. As much as I do not agree with all the laws of South Africa when it comes to freedom of speech and press at-least the South African government has not tried to take away my right to express my self as Chinese government has. I really cant imagine not being allowed to go on Facebook, or having facebook blocked in the entire country. I cant imagine not be able to access all of the social networking group that i am part of because they have been blocked by the country.

These last two weeks I have found a couple articles which talk about different ways in which China is censoring the internet. From using the Great Firewall of China to having legislation set in place which sensor what people many say or talk about.
Here are a couple of the article which I found interesting and which will help my news group. i have one web page, one newspaper article and one journal article.
1. Freedom of Expression and the Internet in China: A Human Rights Watch Backgrounder
2. Scaling the Digital wall in China
3. The Great Firewall

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