Monday, August 16, 2010

The Golden Shield Project

This week I had my first tutorial for INST. We where suppose to choose two editors for our group, but no suggested any names, so two people ended up offering to be our groups editors. My group decided we wanted to look at Censorship of information in different countries. We then divide ourselves into sub groups, my sub group decided we wanted to work on the "Golden Shield Project" often referred to as the "Great firewall of China".

I had a hard time trying to decided what direction or what questions I would address. But we ended up deciding we would look at how the Great Firewall of China infringes or affects the freedom of speech and freedom of the press of its citizens and its press.

I offered to be the editor for my news team, once everyone has written their individual pieces I will be the one who puts the pieces together so they sound like one coherent and well written piece. I will also have to make sure that the references that my group has are correct.

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