Friday, October 9, 2020

Building Your Confidence Through Self - Promotion


The After Thought and Context to my Previous Post
Just an after thought, I felt the need to add some context to my previous posted from a couple of days ago, the Miss King Goes to Study Abroad: Episode 3/ The Introduction one.  Firstly, I woke up that day, feeling myself, feeling all levels of fine, so I decided to dress up for fun and put on makeup (lashes and all 😅). Once done with all of that I realized, I loved the look and was not going to let it go to waste and took a couple of pictures (yes just a couple, lol 👀). Then after the pictures, had an amazing idea to record myself. I know right crazy!! (don't judge, this is a safe space). 

When Randomness Turned Out Amazing
I then reviewed the videos after the fun was over, and thought to myself, these need to be shared with the world. Why keep them to yourself young lady. Yes, this is how we got to me posting the video. Side note into the production, I took a couple of random clips, got the perfect spot in my room (with great lighting), and started talking about a couple of random and different topics, and then reviewed them, and the fun part, edited them (using the app YouCut- Video Editor). Friends and family will tell you, I love video editing. It has been a hobby of mine for the last couple of years. I even use videos for work presentations, I am a visual person and feel that visual presentations leave a lasting memory, and they are great to supplement text. But hey that could just be me 😉. Different strokes for different folks.

Stuff Being Humble
So going back to the topic, we are all amazing in our own right. But we have been bought up in a world, which has taught us that self- promotion is arrogance, and that you shouldn't blow your own horn, or share you achievements. We need to wait for others to blow our horn and speak about our achievement. Well dear, you shall wait until you die, people praise you when you are no longer around!! Sad but true. Look, don't get me wrong, I am not saying being humble is wrong, I am saying sharing your accomplishments with the world and self-promotion is good when done for the right reasons.I recently discovered a book called "F**k Being Humble", the title resonated with me. Still need to read it (maybe I will do a book review on the book).

Self - Promotion and a Happier You!
The more I explore this topic of self - promotion, the more my confidence in me and my abilities is going up. The more I am aware of me, the happier I am finding myself, because now I spend more time trying to find the good in MYSELF, instead of worrying about other amazing kids and the amazing things they are achieving. 

If You Want to Become Good at Something, Invest In it!!
For the last couple of weeks, I have been working a lot on my personal branding and fine tuning my unique skills and talents. As some of you might know, I have a public speaking background and honestly I actually love public speaking. I love the nerves, the increased heart rate, yes all that scary stuff 😁😂😄. So, it is only natural for me to invest more in this. This has involved watching Ted-Talks, doing free online courses and even exploring paid courses. You don't become great at something without investing!!! Investing can mean simple things like time, but can also include resources.
Review, Access and Amend
In my journey of reconnecting with me and building my confidence, I have decided to be more direct with my engagements. I am going to record myself more, and not just record, by review the recording. This is part of becoming a better speaker. Reviewing helps one pick up and see their ticks, your facial expressions, how one looks when not prepared and will help one fix what needs to be fixed, if there is something that does need to be fixed. 

In the coming weeks, I am going to do a more targeted blog around public speaking and speaking in the age of online engagement. The main aim of it will be for me to share what has worked for me in the last couple of weeks, what I have learnt, what I still want to try out etc.

With all that being said, hope you guys have an epic week!!! Until we touch base again, your girl Miss King signing out!!! Peace my people... 

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