Saturday, August 10, 2019

Black Excellence : Miss King

So lets kick of the series by a feature on the one and only your girl Miss KingπŸ‘‘πŸ˜πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰.
Sibusisiwe Nomthandazo Nkosi, aka Miss King (MaNkosi), is a selective intravert, with a big heart and a contagious smile. True story, my smile and laugh are contagious 😁.

From day one my family spoke greatness into my life. My Grandfather named me Sibusisiwe (We are blessed), as a first born in my generation I was a blessing which was received with open arms. My parents named me Nomthandazo (mother of prayer), after winning a battle on my behalf through prayer before I was born.

She is a young woman who is still discovering new things about herself EVERYDAY, and is being molded into God's perfection. There are days when I am like G, this is taking forever now, ngiready mina πŸ™„☺️. Then God says, "im not done my child" 😏.

Enough about me, let me jump straight into it, πŸ–€ Excellence.

I celebrate all forms of excellence, even the ones which don't seem worth celebrating becoz we have been conditioned to only look at material things. For me it is in the way young black women and gents are doing the most, they are jet setting, they are following their dreams, and they are striving to be the best them in all that they do.

For me its about us creating spaces for us to discuss issues, using various platforms to raise issues, and even having the ability and strength to say I don't have my s..t together, or just saying i am struggling...

Its a movement, and its a personal journey. There is no cookie cutter definition. It's an evolution, my definition for 2019, is its when God has placed you in a space and you can look back and say i played my part with all the resources God gave me to make a change....

Black Excellence in the South African context has a young black face and this excites me so much.

I am surrounded by a number of ladies and even gents who embody black excellence. This is what makes this series so exciting for me.

#isnoteasybutworthit #itsamovement #blackexcellence #missking #sibunko #chroniclesofazuluqueen

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