Sunday, March 10, 2013

Women in leadership roles.

Check out the stats and tell me what you think.

New Beginnings!!

Second blog of the year.

Ya neh, these last couple of weeks have been really really crazy and really busy. But in between all of that, a whole lot of beautiful things have taken place.

For example i have lost weight, how much is not important as of yet, BUT the fact that my beautiful Levis Dress fits me is the most important thing ever.

I started a dating someone who adores me and who thinks the world of me. He truly loves me and i am enjoying the way he loves.  This is truly a new beginning!!! I love him!!

Netball season officially started, have played three games so far, and have enjoyed every second on quart playing action netball and outdoor netball. I have even grown a new love for outdoor netball.  Now we just need to get to know each other as players and then win games.

Had our first successful Sports Council meeting for UKZN Howard College and Medical School Sports Union. Being Chairperson for the Sports Union rocks sometimes. Taking UKZN Sports to New Horizons.

and the list could go on for days, let me stop there for now.

Just really grateful!!! God is too good.

Before I sign out, please remember the quotation below, it applys to all us. You may not be leading anyone right now, but some day you will be given the opportunity.

Leadership: The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Have a crazy week, laugh hard, cry harder, play harder, sleep less, smile till your cheeks hurt, have a ball!!!! Cheers to a great week!!!

Miss King signing out

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Its been too long, Miss King is BACK!!

Wow, I really missed this. Well I am back it’s been over two years since any activity took place here. Back then I was younger, clueless yet still very ambitious.

Two years later a lot has happened in that time, I’ve grown in mind, body and soul. Looking back at those of Internet Studies days I realise I was really blessed and I’m still being blessed every day.

So where do I Start. Well guess this is a start right. I’m back and that is the important thing, I’m not saying I’m going blog everyday now, BUT I will not wait another 2 or more years to blog!!! Lol

Miss King, signing out for now!!!