Monday, September 13, 2010

Freedom To Speak Without Censorship and/or Limitation.

Hi everyone
From Claiming my own right to Freedom of Expression

Today as a news team, we revise and edited our news article with the help of your editors.Once we had finished that, we published it on the news portal. I was happy with the way my news team and I worked together putting the news piece together.Here is the our new piece Censorship in China
We also discussed what our next news piece would be on.

The issue of press freedom in South Africa is a very sad one in my opinion. What I find more disturbing is how many people are not aware how negatively the Information Bill and the Media Tribunal will effect their lives. Many think that it will only effect the "reporters , newspapers, the news people".

I really hope that the ANC will review its ideas or that the general public will stand up together to fight against it, otherwise freedom of expression as we know it will be jeopardized.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week Seven: Photography and visual literacy

On Friday Thembisa demonstrated how to use Open Shot.There was no quiz on Monday this week, so I spent the time I usually spend studying for the quiz, I spent that time putting my news groups piece together. I submitted my groups news story to my editors and tutors via the 'speak to your group' forum.

From Claiming my own right to Freedom of Expression

For this weeks tut we started working on Open Shot,we played around with. I really enjoyed making my first movie. I made two more when I got back home, using Windows Movie maker. I feel more comfortable using the Windows Movie Maker. I'm looking forward to making a movie for my final project.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Why is freedom of expression an important civil right?

Honestly before doing INST, I truly took my freedom of expression for granted. I hardly ever thought about how it would impact my life if it was for what ever reason taken away from me.

This article to me shows or illustrates why freedom of expression (of any kind) is an important civil right: Freedom of Expression.